Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Let Me Know What You Think...

There have been a ton of great responses to by latest book, Glorious Mess, over the last few months…but I wanted to mention a few that have touched me especially. My friend Janie has given out 46 copies of Glorious Mess to her friends, and to folks she cares about. In her conversations, she’s listening to her friends, and if she senses that they’d be blessed by the book, then she gives them a copy. She’s told me that the only other book she’s ever done this with is the book Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young. Now I have to confess, Young’s book is AMAZING, and so Janie has given me the highest compliment ever, by placing my work in truly great company. My friend Mindi has been so complimentary, she’s asked if she could take a look at pulling out a bunch of Glorious Mess Quotes, one for each day of the year. I’m humbled, and I’m honored! I’m not sure if there are THAT many…(it’s not a very long book) but just the desire is incredibly touching. And just today, I got an email from Jason, a young man who was a part of my youth ministry over a decade ago. Now he’s charging life and career and family down in California, and he wrote to tell me how much Glorious Mess is speaking into his messy world. “And I don’t READ books!” he wrote. I just wanted to say thank you. Thanks Janie, Mindi, and Jason! I love that you’ve been blessed by the MESS! How about you? If you’ve cracked the book, is there any chance you’d be willing to waste a couple of seconds on feedback? I’d love to hear from you…


Anonymous said...

There's too much blue on the cover. Suggests that you're a closet Baptist.


Mike Howerton said...

I'm laughing out loud! Thanks for this!!

Jeremy Olson said...

I don't know how to swim. Based on the cover will I be ok reading this book?

Joel Madson said...

Love the book Mike! I had the privilege of giving pastors and Leaders in Ethiopia, Rwanda and Uganda copies of your books. One Ethiopian pastor asked eagerly if it could be translated into the Amharic language of Ethiopia!
Joel Madson

Mike Howerton said...

Joel, I heard a report back from Ethiopia that a pastor read it and said, "I never knew I was a mess...but now I know I am a GLORIOUS MESS!" HA!

Jessica Helms said...

I am so thankful for my friend sending me this book. Believe me when I say that my life was and is and will always be a mess. But this book has shed light on things for me and really hit home. Times of laughter and great joy and things that I really needed to hear even though I may not have liked it. Thank you for being so open and honest. Thank you for living your life to the fullest all for the Glory of Christ Jesus.