Caleb lost a tooth.
He's thrilled. He really wants to meet the tooth fairy. He lost the tooth at Tae Kwon Do. His instructor pulled it out. It bled a little bit and Caleb grinned ear to ear. When I saw him I hugged him huge and he told me the story, with a new little whistle in his cadence.
Stop growing, I told him. And I meant it. Not really. But I want to savor these days while my kiddo is still a boy. This is one of those milestone days.
He's also shaving, I might add. He uses shaving cream, and a disposable razor that has the plastic cap glued on it. After he finishes he rubs his chin and whispers, smooth...smooth. Stop growing, dude!
Oh, and I think he has a girlfriend. I know he has a girl that likes him, and spends time with him at school, and who follows him around quite a bit. I was at the Ice Cream Social. I saw it. I don't know exactly how he feels about her, but I know he likes being friends with her. To be fair, he's got a ton of friends who are boys. But then again, there are also 5th grade girls who think he is just so cute, and wave at him, and hug him goodbye. STOP GROWING! Seriously.
For now, the tooth fairy is excitement enough.
I can't wait to put his name up on the "Who Lost A Tooth?" poster.
He also gets a "I LOST A TOOTH!" certificate.
And you're right ... its a BIG DEAL!
We milk this I-lost-a-tooth thing as much as possible when we're in 1st grade!
Liam was a bit jealous of Caleb's loss last night in the car. He also let me know that they had a lot of fun fighting last night. Ok. Sounds good to me. :)
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